If you would like to request that your contact information be removed from the Company’s database, please e-mail your request to info@westerncopperandgold.com
Investor Relations
If you are a member of the financial community, an investor seeking additional information on Western Copper and Gold or media, please contact us:
Phone: 604 684 9497
Email: info@westerncopperandgold.com
Government & Community Relations
If you are a seeking additional information regarding Western Copper and Gold’s corporate social responsibility, please contact info@casinomining.com
Transfer Agent
Inquiries regarding change of address, stock transfer, registered shareholdings or lost certificates should be directed to the company’s Transfer Agent:
Computershare Investor Inc.
510 Burrard Street
Vancouver, BC
Canada, V6C 3B9
Phone: +1 514 982 7555 (International Direct Call)
Toll Free: +1 800 564 6253 (Canada and USA)
Corporate Head Office
Mailing Address
Suite 907 – 1030 West Georgia Street
Vancouver, BC
Canada, V6E 2Y3
Phone: +1 604 684 9497
Fax: +1 604 669 2926
Email: info@westerncopperandgold.com